3 Steps to prune Mongo DB in Unifi Controller
You will need two session of terminal to repair, the first session to run the mongo daemon and the second session to prune the database. You will need the mongo_prune_js.js.
Step 1. Login to the first session of the Unifi Controller
Once you login successfully, Stop the unifi service using the following command
service unifi stop
make sure there is no Mongodb session using the following command
ps -aux | grep mongo
Run the mongodb using the following command
sudo mongod --port 27117 -dbpath /usr/lib/unifi/data/db -smallfiles -logpath /usr/lib/unifi/logs/server.log -journal
you should see something similar to the following window:
Step 2. Login to the second session of the Unifi Controller
Download the pruning script, if you don’t have it already. Edit the file using the following command
vi mongo_prune_js.js
and make sure the following line is there
var days=0; var dryrun=true;
Then execute the pruning script as below:
sudo /usr/bin/mongo --port 27117 < mongo_prune_js.js
You should see something like the following when it finished pruning
Once it is success you need to run it again but this time edit the mongo_prune_js.js with the following
var days=0; var dryrun=false;
When it is running completely you should see something similar to the following:
Step 3. run the unifi service
Jump back to the first session, and stop the running mongo db using Ctrl + C. You should be back to your command prompt now.
Start the unify server using the following:
service unifi start
If all goes well you should see the following message
Double check the log files to ensure that the unifi service started successfully using the following command
tail -f /usr/lib/unifi/logs/mongod.log tail -f /usr/lib/unifi/logs/server.log
You can also check that your Unifi web interface have started successfully using the following
If you encounter problem pruning because you are running out of space, you can find the files that are big using the following command
find / -type f -size +20M -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $NF ": " $5 }'
I hope this post have saved you time and frustration.