
3 Steps to Install NXFilter on Raspberry PI 5

By snorlaxprime

I ordered Raspberry Pi just before we went into lockdown. And I am trying to find what I can push this little device into. I have always wanted to have an internet filter, so that I can block out all the ads and also to control how the internet is being used by the kids.

I stumble across NXFilter, and here are the steps to install them:

Step 1. Download the pre-requisite

sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jre
wget http://pub.nxfilter.org/nxfilter-

Step 2. Install it using debian package and create a service

sudo dpkg -i nxfilter-
sudo systemctl enable nxfilter

NXFilter will be installed in the location of /nxfilter. Now you can start the nxfilter service

Step 3. Run the nxfilter service

sudo systemctl start nxfilter

You can view the log files which contain the detail of installation process and the running logs using the following command.

tail -f /nxfilter/log/nxfilter.log

Now you can point your browser to http://your.pi5.ip/admin.jsp and you should be prompted to login

For details you can see the following video