How to convert Audible AAX to MP3
So you have audible subscription and you are enjoying tons of contents. But you are not able to download the audio file as MP3 because the file is in aax format that contain DRM (Digital Rights Management).
I found an easy way to convert the AAX to MP3, so here is the step by step instruction. I am using mac, so I download the mac version of the inAudible program.
Step 1. Download inAudible
You can get the inAudible from the following location:
Find the file suitable for your operating system inside the _installers folder.

I am using a mac, so I am downloading the file.
Step 2. extract the file
Once you extracted the zip file, you will have the inAudible file. Double click to execute the file. You will most likely not able to because the Mac is preventing you from executing file that is not downloaded from the app store. But no fear, go to your mac system Preferences->Security& Privacy, and click on “Open Anyway” button to allow you to execute app not downloaded from app store and identified developers.

Step 3. Open the AAX file and convert to MP3
Now that the program opens, select the AAX file, it will automatically create the output file in the same location as the original file.

Now you can select the codec as MP3, and click on “Begin Conversion” to convert the AAX to MP3. Now you can enjoy the MP3 file in your other devices that doesn’t support AAX format.
You can watch the following video for more clarity:
Disclaimer: This is only intended to convert the aax file that you have purchased from Audible, and you should abide by the term and condition from Audible by not distributing the copy in any shape or form. I will not be held responsible for the action that you conduct if you breach the agreement with Audible.