3 Steps to install Docker on Raspberry Pi 4
Docker is a tool that allows you to deploy application inside a software containers. This is good especially for Raspberry Pi because you can easily package the application and deploy that in many places.
So let’s get started
Step 1. Install using the shell script
Terminal service to your Raspberry Pi and then execute the following command
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
Once the script is complete, you should see something similar to the following:
Step 2. add pi user to the docker group
You will need to add the pi user to the docker group to allow it to run docker command, otherwise you will get an error. So execute the following
sudo usermod -aG docker pi
Then you can verify that user pi is now part of docker group with the following command
groups pi
You should see docker in the list.
Step 3. Now you can test docker
You will need to restart for the command in Step 2 to take affect, or you will still get the error message. If you don’t want to restart just prefix the command with sudo
docker run hello-world
if all goes well, you should see the following message
That’s all, the next post will be about how to run home assistant in docker.