
How to change where screenshots are saved on Mac

By snorlaxprime

Taking a screenshot on a Mac is effortless. Simply hold down Command-Shift-3 to capture the entire screen, or Command-Shift-4 to capture a highlighted area. You can even hold down Command-Shift-4 and then hit the space bar to screenshot a specific window or menu.

How to change where screenshots are saved on Mac

Step 1: Open Terminal

Step 2: Create the folder where the screenshots will be saved, for this example, I will save it to ~Documents/Screenshots, so type the following command:

mkdir ~/Documents/Screenshots


Step 2:  Now you can change the default setting by typing the following command:

defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/Documents/Screenshots

Step 3: To apply the changes, enter the following command:

killall SystemUIServer